Susan Curnutte

2018 REVEL Big Bear Marathon
Published: Oct. 14, 2018, 6:39 p.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    4/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    Everything went well until the last quarter and the traffic became a little overwhelming. It is a little disappointing to finish my first full marathon and there was only the beer tent left, not even anyone taking finisher photos. I realize most everyone was done and had gone,but maybe there could be a way for full marathon runners to start significantly earlier than the half marathoners so that the majority of the average runners could finish closer together so everyone could enjoy the finish festivities.

  3. Did you PR?

    Yes, only because it was my first, but unfortunately I couldn't get a photo of it

  4. How would you describe the course?

    It was pretty fun until we got into town which I did not enjoy

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I train with two trainers, one for strength and one for functional. I also attend about five group cardio classes a week. I don't specifically train for marathons but I train for Spartan Races.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Still trying to figure out everything myself.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    It was a bit damp before and after everything was put away so not much fun. All I got after was a bottle of water and a banana, not even a cold towel. Very disappointing.


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