Barney Storms

2018 REVEL Big Bear Marathon
Published: Oct. 15, 2018, 7:16 a.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    4/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    The most memorable parts of the course was miles 12-14 when we ran through a cloud! It was an eerie feeling and a really cool experience. The scenery during the first 20miles was awesome.

  3. Did you PR?

    This was my first full so yes, by default I did PR! I wanted to do sub 4:30 and I bested my goal by almost 6min!

  4. How would you describe the course?

    My only complaint would be the finish flats thru the city. Running alongside the narrow bike lane with traffic in both directions really made the ending more difficult. The only other gripe would be the hill on mile 21 or 22-

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I’ve been training all year but I made up my mind to do this full in May. I did a lot of downhill and uphill each weekend. My last long run was a uphill downhill 20- that was on, Thursday the 27th of Sept. what I would do differently is give myself more recovery time on my legs- they were incredibly sore hitting mile 15.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Invest in good quality shoes- don’t cheap out. Consult with a podiatrist and chiropractor frequently during your training! Having medical advice along with good nutrition is the only thing that got me from running 1/2’s to a full.
    Carb load 2 days before your race not the night before. Your body will be using so much energy to digest your big meal so save all the energy you can. Cut out breads, oats, sugar and grain- moderate your fruit intake 2 weeks before your race and you’ll be surprised how much extra weight you’ll lose- I was 8lbs lighter for this race and it made a huge difference.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    My wife and I traveled from Bakersfield. We ate out at a few places in San Bernardino and watched a movie Friday night.


  1. Barney Storms
    Oct. 15, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

    I’ll be back next year!!

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