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REVEL Sun Valley Limited Edition Race InformationQuick Info
Cancellation, Withdrawal, Deferment, & Transfer PolicyUnlike other REVEL races, it will NOT be possible to withdraw from this race and receive a refund; nor will it be possible to defer your entry to a future REVEL race. Once registration is complete, your entry is locked in and cannot be undone. However, it will be possible to transfer your entry to another individual per usual at REVEL events. See the Transfer page for additional details. If either race day gets cancelled due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, all registrants will receive a full refund of their entry fees. Note that REVEL will not issue refunds or reimbursements for travel-related expenses under any circumstances. If either race day gets cancelled or postponed due to anything other than COVID-19 (i.e. inclement weather), no refunds will be processed. Under this scenario, registrants will receive a partial credit for their entry fees that may be used at future REVEL events. WavesDuring the registration process runners are required to enter their true expected race pace. This data will be used to divide runners into waves. Once the registration cap is hit for each day, runners will receive an additional email with information about their wave assignment. Because there will be a time buffer in between each wave, many runners will start the race well after a typical race start time. It is therefore advisable to not book any travel plans until after receiving confirmation of wave assignments. Health and SafetyRunner health and safety are the absolute top priority at this event. Extreme measures will be taken to ensure that public health guidelines are met and exceeded.
The race will be run in an "open road" format along Highway 75, meaning that although there will be traffic cones lining the northbound shoulder, there will still be traffic flowing up and down the mountain. Runners will be required to remain in the northbound shoulder of the road and not use the vehicle travel lane. At all street crossings, vehicles will be stopped and runners will be given the right-of-way. Runner PerksIn addition to offering a fully-supported run down an incredibly beautiful mountain and getting the best PR opportunity you may ever have, we strive to make REVEL Sun Valley Limited Edition even more memorable with the additional perks listed below. Free Race PhotosThere will be photographers at multiple locations along the course to take pictures of your race experience. Be sure to smile big, make a tough face, or strike a pose for the cameras as you go by. Please make sure your bib is visible as well. All race photos will be provided for free. It is crazy to pay $50 to $100 for a single image download like you may have experienced before. Your memories are on us! Your photos will be made available shortly after the race along with your results on the results page. MedalsMedals are provided to all participants as you cross the finish line. Our race medals are not your run-of-the-mill awards. We award huge, high-quality medals that are equal to your effort. These are certain to win a place at the top of your medal collection. The medals shown below are examples from two previous REVEL Limited Edition races at Mt Lemmon and Mt Charleston. ![]()
ShirtsDuring registration participants may choose between a high-quality, gender-specific tri-blend or tech shirt. For those who can't get enough race shirts and prefer something that they can run in, the tech shirt is the way to go. For those who don't want another tech shirt cluttering their closet, the tri-blend option can be worn in social settings or at work. No matter what you choose, this shirt will definitely be one that you'll want to keep. SwagREVEL swag will be included in your race bag that you will receive during Packet Pickup. In addition to other items, all runners will receive a pair of gloves, hand warmers, and a mylar blanket to be used in case of cold weather. Iced towels will be given to all runners as they cross the finish line. Finish Line FoodOnce you cross the finish line, you will be welcomed with an amazing meal that will put all of your previous post-race spread experiences to shame. TravelRental Cars
AirportsIf you are traveling to REVEL Sun Valley, there are very affordable direct flights from several major hubs including Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Chicago. The Friedman Memorial Airport is just 15 miles from the finish line and resorts in Sun Valley and Ketchum. Other airport options include the Boise Airport (2.5 hour drive from Sun Valley) or the Salt Lake City Airport (4.5 hour drive from Sun Valley). Partnering HotelsREVEL Sun Valley has partnered with Sun Valley Lodge to provide discounted rates and special amenities. Sun Valley Lodge
1 Sun Valley Road
Sun Valley, ID 83353 ![]() 2 miles from finish
1-800-786-8259 Packet PickupDue to COVID-19 restrictions, there will not be a traditional large pre-race expo. Instead there will be a simple Packet Pickup from 3:00-6:00PM on the day preceding your race at Sun Valley Lodge in the Boiler Room. A photo ID is required to pick up your race bag. We will allow individuals to pick up someone else's bag, but will require a digital or hardcopy of the person's ID and a written note authorizing them to do so. If you will be arriving in town after the hours of Packet Pickup or are otherwise unable to attend, you may elect to have your packet shipped to you for an additional fee. This option may be selected during registration. Parking & BusingREVEL Sun Valley Limited Edition is a point-to-point course, and as such we will bus you from a parking location near the finish line to the start line. The cost of busing is included in your entry fees. You do not need to reserve a spot on the bus, as your bib is your ticket to ride. ALL PARTICIPANTS must take a bus to the start lines (you may not park at or be dropped off at the start lines). Depending on your assigned wave, buses will depart from 4:15-6:15AM (please reference the loading charts under Quick Info). The parking area is located immediately south of the Sun Valley Resort in the gravel Pavilion Lot on the south side of Dollar Rd. This location is approximately 1.5 miles from the race finish line. A free shuttle will constantly run between the finish line and the parking area during event hours to return runners to their vehicles. For more information on race day parking please utilize the following map.Drop BagsYou will receive a race bag at Packet Pickup. This bag is for you to take to the starting areas. A number that matches your race bib will be put on the outside of your race bag. This is to identify your bag at the finish area after the race, and you will need your bib to prove ownership of your bag when you pick it up. Please carry any belongings to the starting area in this bag, as opposed to any other personal bags, which cannot be identified by your race number. Bags will be left on the bus at the start area, and the bus will transport the bags to the finish line for you. Timing & BibsTimingThe races will be chip-timed using timing tags adhered to the back of your bib. Your time will begin when you cross the starting line, and will stop when you cross the finish line. Overall winners (top 3 in each race) will be determined in accordance with USATF regulations by gun time. Please do not tamper with the timing chips, as they cannot be replaced once linked to your bib number. BibsBecause the timing tag is adhered to the back of your race bib, it is important that you do not cover your bib with clothing or other objects that may interfere with the tag reader when you are crossing the start and finish lines. Furthermore, in order to ensure that race volunteers, officials, and photographers can properly identify you, you must wear your bib on the front of your person in an unobstructed position. If the photographers along the course can not see your bib number, we will have no way to get your photos to you. Aid StationsThere will be eleven aid stations on the marathon course and seven on the half marathon course. The location of each aid station is marked on the Courses page with black and white letters (A through K). All aid stations will be supplied with Powerade Mountain Berry & Tropical Mango, water, porta-potties, and basic first aid supplies. Additionally, select aid stations will offer doTERRA Deep Blue muscle rub and Honey Stinger energy gels (Chocolate, Vanilla, & Acai Pomegranate). ![]() Time LimitRunners must finish the race in 6.5 hours or less after being dropped off at the start line. Based on the USATF certification standards the course is measured on tangents or SPR-Shortest Possible Route. Therefore if you run on the inside or outside line the entire length of the race your GPS may reflect a distance slightly greater than 13.1 or 26.2. WeatherAlthough we cannot predict the weather, we can provide some historical weather averages for the area on the date of the race:
While we will provide gloves, hand warmers, and mylar blankets, we highly recommend that you come prepared for cold temperatures at the start line by layering and then shedding your layers to put in your drop bag just before the race begins. SpectatorsDue to recent changes in CDC health guidelines, spectators are now allowed at the finish line and will need to follow the same guidelines of no masks for vaccinated individuals and masks for non-vaccinated individuals. |