
Time Slot: 3:20 - Marathon
Name: Stephen Losey
Bio: I picked up running in late 2010 after realizing that two little curtain climbers needed their dad to be able to romp and play instead of sitting on the couch eating potato chips. Inspired by my brother who had also achieved great health results via running, I trained and completed my first 10k at the TLC Groundhog in January 2011. Since then I have run countless 5ks, 10ks, 10-mile trail, 20-mile trail, 50K trail, 44-mile Brew2Brew, The Hawk 50-mile trail race, full marathons, half marathons, sprint, and international distance triathlon along with an ironman distance in 2014. My first marathon was the MO Cowbell in St. Charles, MO. The social and all-inclusive aspect of running and multi-sport is what keeps me going. I have completed all 6 World Majors Marathons and love to help others with marathon and half marathon pacing more than anything.