Annette DuPuis

2017 REVEL Rockies Half Marathon
Published: June 12, 2017, 12:40 p.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    5/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    Sharing in the "runner's high" with so many people; friends, new friends, people I had met while working the expo the day before, and just walking through the masses of runners and listening. I did this race for the first time last year. I was registered to do the 2015 race but due to a cycling accident that broke my hip and collar bone Revel allowed me to defer). 2016 was the "best race ever" for me and for the last year I have been telling that to everyone who would listen. Well people, get ready for hearing it again for another year and 2017 was the BEST RACE EVER!!! And, not just for me but for so many others. Thank you Revel <3 <3 <3

  3. Did you PR?

    I did :) 14 minutes off last year's time. I am not trying to qualify for Boston but I know several of my friends did at this race. Yay for them!

  4. How would you describe the course?

    Beautiful!! Fun!!

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I am still such a newbie that I don't feel comfortable offering advice.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Read the information provided by Revel. (I know, you can lead a horse to water...) I was actually surprised at the number of people I talked to while volunteering at the information table that thought the road aerial view was the course and that there was much more up hill than down.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    I am blessed to live here.


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