Christopher Martin

2015 REVEL Canyon City Marathon
Published: Nov. 10, 2015, 3 a.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    4/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    Got up at 2:00 am. Drank a liter of water. Arrived around 3:50 am. Got on first bus. Good trip up the hill. Bus driver took a few wrong turns, but quickly recovered. Got close to the fire so I was not cold. Appreciated the blankets and mittens. Started out quickly at a 8:15-8:30 pace. Enjoyed the sunrise. Loved running downhill. Drinking water at every station. Around mile 8 I slow to 9:16 pace. At mile 14 I really should have stopped at the restroom. Slow to 15:42 pace to mile 16. Thank goodness for the restroom at mile 16! Drink Gatorade and water at every station. Thank for the Gu at two of the stations. Just could not run any faster than 14:15 pace until the final corner. My training is set for the LA Marathon in February. I should have advanced it for this race, or just started much, much slower at the top of the hill.

  3. Did you PR?

    No. I was 54 minutes slower than my PR set last March.

  4. How would you describe the course?

    Loved the sunrise. There is one point when I looked up and the canyon perfectly framed downtown Los Angeles in the distance. The hills were a reprieve from the downhill.

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I should have trained for this race instead of the LA Marathon in February. My longest run thus far was only 16 miles (on schedule for LA).

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Wear a Nathan with a water bladder. Although there is hydration every other mile, I needed water much more frequently. I couldn't drink enough every half-hour to make-up for my thirst.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    Beer garden after. Fire before. Posed with fellow Pasadena Pacers at the top. Carpooled with friends from Huntington Beach.


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