Teya Thompson-Ephrim

2015 REVEL Canyon City Half Marathon
Published: Nov. 9, 2015, 11:20 a.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    5/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    Weird at the start with out a bell ringing or revel banner signage and no national anthem......but race day was beautiful. This event just like last year's was well organized and had plenty of volunteers, aid stations, supplies, etc. The 1:40 1/2 marathon pacer was the best. He didn't only pace, he coached me from mile 6 to the finish. Great advice on when to get water, when to slow my pace, when to pick it up. How to run up the hills without over exerting myself. Finish line is very well organized and well stocked with nutrition. My 2nd time on this course and my 4th Revel event.

  3. Did you PR?

    Yes, I set a new PR and won the female age group 45-49. I PR'd by about 2.5 minutes. I didn't qualify for Boston because I only ran the half. I love the half. I ran Revel Cottonwood full. It was my first full ever. I will go back and run a Revel full, but I reiterate, I love your half courses. I am not a marathon fan, but I'd like to qualify for Boston.

  4. How would you describe the course?

    Revel Canyon City's first 4 to 5 miles is tough because there are rolling hills in it and I am not a hill runner at all. The scenery is beautiful. Elevation is great compared to Rockies and Cottownwood.

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I didn't train as much after Revel Cottonwood on September 12th due to injury and pain in hip and groin area. Sought treatment for it and ran as much as possible. For the half, I will rarely run further than 9 miles in training. The last two weeks were really relaxed for me. I ran only twice in the week preceding the race. One 6.2 mile run on a treadmill and one 5 mile run on a treadmill. The week before that, I ran outside 5 miles, 4 miles, 9 miles. But I run several half marathons throughout the year, but my best performances are at Revel.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Train, hydrate, and fuel properly. Just because the courses are downhill doesn't mean they are an easy feat. There are still hills. The downhill is great and you can cruise. But the last 3 miles start at the bottom of the canyon and go through the city. Flat and challenging after running downhill.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    I hung around after the race and ate a little pie, chips, and a bagel. Took pictures with my 3 medals. Finisher medal, age group medal (1st place), and series completion medal. Stayed at the finish long enough to see marathoners coming in.


  1. Teya Thompson-Ephrim
    Nov. 9, 2015, 11:23 a.m.

    I love the Revel Race Series. Canyon City for some reason is my favorite. I've run it both years. I love Revel Rockies as well. I'm not as much in love with Revel Cottonwood as I am the other two course. You provide a great product. It is a great value for the money paid. Other organizations could learn something from Revel. I will most likely run all 3 in 2016. Halfs for 2 and 1 full.

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