Alicia Steinbock

2015 REVEL Canyon City Half Marathon
Published: Nov. 9, 2015, 6:05 a.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    5/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    All the "potato" wrapped people at the start- and the amazing quiet scenerey on the way down. It was highly organized and fun.

  3. Did you PR?

    This was my first half.

  4. How would you describe the course?

    The calmness was amazing, and the first 10 were cooler than the wjen we left canyon.

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I trained for 4 months, mostly on slight downhills. I really need to figure out how to get my time down.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    Staying close by helps because the bus times are so early.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    We came from about 50 minutes away.


  1. Alicia Steinbock
    Nov. 9, 2015, 6:08 a.m.

    I love that the calm mountain part was closed to people . I did not know that cars would still be hoing through. That was a kind if and bus noises and fumes.

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