BustA Groove

2014 REVEL Canyon City Half Marathon
Published: Sept. 4, 2015, 12:07 p.m.
  1. Overall Rating

    5/5 Stars

  2. Describe your race day.

    Race day was remarkably GOOD. I participated in the 2014 Revel Race Series in Colorado, Utah and California. I know many people that PR'd and qualified for Boston Marathon in the race series.

    I appreciate that I have friends new to the running game while others are more seasoned. I learn so much from both sides of the coin. It's a joy to see determination and uplifted spirits when we come together for race events.

    Thanks to the many who have shared their positive experiences about Revel Canyon City race (expo, packet pick-up, scenic views, PRs, BQs, volunteers, runner swag, snacks, vendors and the finisher's festival) amongst other things. I'm proud to represent #RunRevel as an ambassador. For 2015, I would recommend more vegetarian options for finishers. I took lots of pictures at the start line and at the finish line festival. I did enjoy Marie Callendar's pie at the 2014 finish line.

    I received good feedback from runners about their Canyon City experience: expo, course, finish line festival, medal and access to relevant information on FaceBook and email.

  3. Did you PR?

    No, I didn't PR and it wasn't my intention. I did back-to-back half marathons: Revel Canyon City and Avengers Half Marathon on the same weekend. I didn't want to bonk.

    I know several people that ran Revel Canyon City, Avengers Half Marathon and Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas = pure beast mode.

  4. How would you describe the course?

    I love nature and I'm also a hiker. The course is very scenic, uncluttered. I ran/walk 11 miles of the course last month with My Coach Larry and other runners to prepare for this year's Revel Canyon City Half Marathon. We walked on the uphill and ran as much as possible on the downhill. Although I couldn't get cell reception, I was able to track my mileage, pace, etc.

  5. Tell us about your training.

    I followed my local running group's training scheduled for half marathon. Increased mileage and decreased mileage accordingly. Because I did several half marathons before Revel Canyon City 2014, I mentally prepared for the downhill and slight uphill of the Revel courses.

    I think running in Revel Big Cottonwood and Revel Rockies in 2014 made a big difference in being properly trained for Revel Canyon City 2014. This year, I didn't run Big Cottonwood or Rockies. I've been focusing more strength training vs. training miles for 2015. After I finished My Coach Larry's training run last weekend, I went to the gym for HIIT cardio workout -- I didn't experience the typical soreness after running downhill. I am also more aware of my breathing during exercise.

    Proper fueling (nutrition) can also make a BIG difference in performance on training runs and race day.

  6. What advice would you give future runners?

    I suggest that runners pay extra attention to the course elevation for the marathon distance. People think it's 'all downhill' and that it'll be easy. When I trained with My Coach Larry last weekend I emphasized to people running Canyon City for the first time that downhill is taxing on the quads in addition to the elevation changes. The weather will be colder at the start line but as runners move down the course, it'll warm up. I recommend bringing disposable clothing that can be donated to a thrift store afterwards. Don't run in 'new' shoes -- break them in properly.

  7. What fun things did you do in the area before or after the race?

    I hosted a meet 'n greet dinner for Revel Ambassadors and friends at a restaurant near the Expo. I live in Pasadena area so I didn't sightsee. I also volunteered for Expo swag bag assembly.


  1. Maria Howard
    Nov. 7, 2015, 7:57 p.m.

    It was a great day...Woke up at 3 a.m. with nerves and excitement. I was looking to qualify for Boston this year. I kept up with the 4:10 pacer for a very long time and then starting to fall behind. Blisters are no fun and very painful. Took Advil to take edge off but to no available it just got bigger. Then I starting to focus on something else..and remember why I was there to qualify for Boston or at best PR.. Even though I didn't qualify for Boston I stilled PR by 18 minutes.. This is the second time I've PR this year the other time was Mountain to Beaches. I'm getting closer to Boston next time I will. Very determined to get there. It's on the "Bucket List". Thanks to all my trainers /coaches this year their support and encouragement as meant a lot for me. Thank you all!

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