No. As a matter of fact.....I've had a sever back problem this summer. At mile 7 in the Ut Valley marathon I had to drop out. That would of been my 19th Marathon so mentally it was hard for me to accept a DNF. There were days this summer where I actually wasn't able to even hardly walk. So imagen..... a competive runner hardly walking. After many chiropracticor and Dr visits Cottonwood was my 2nd race I was able to finish this year. I went into it knowing I needed to pull out 20 miles not just 13.1 so I can be prepared for my next marathon in October. I ended up coming in 4 min slower then last year. HOWEVER..... because I knew I NEEDED to hold back I KNOW myself well enough that had things with the race crew at the beginning gone different I would of pushed harder then I did. This is where I today am SO sad about the way things started yesterday. As I was waiting for the race to start (next to the road) I heard NOTHING in a speaker or anybody directing us that we had 5 min until the race started. So I figured, we were all standing around waiting as we did last year. But then as I stated walking up the road I look ahead and BAM......the freaking race had started. 2 MINUTES before. Needless to say I was starting back with a HUGE group of people. People not caring about tripping on each other. People just there to have a good ol time and not be competitive. Had I started WITH my elite crowd I run with in all half and full marathons I would have pushed and would have had a better time for sure. Why no national anthem? Why no big speakers so we can hear you? Why no gun shot? Yes I should be happy, I still took 2nd place in my age group. But IF I would of started out pacing with the Elite runners I mentally would of kicked in because physically IM BACK. NEXT YEAR...... I will run it. But it will be my last if your start is not more organized. And BTW what the heck with the awards this year? No money? My running partner took 2nd overall this year and last. She received $200 flowers and a bunch of stuff last year. This year. We all got cheap placement medals and the top 3 ChapStick?? Hahaha. Looks like you need to get Josh Rotensky back on your team. AF half used him because he's working for IHC and there was MAJOR improvement with them this year. (My son and husband ran AF) and that race is for charity but was still improved. There's lots of competition for races in Utah. I don't always pick a course because of how easy or hard it is. I choose also for organizations and how the elites are awarded. When you work and train hard you want it to "pay" off.
I hope my comments are useful. Please keep in mind.......we ran the day AFTER 9/11. Give us runners the privilege of seeing our national anthem before we start. We don't all go to football and basketball games. This is our sport. In OUR country.
Other minor improvement...... Which I wasn't with the start of the crowd, but please let volunteers know that some if us don't stop. We need them to reach out if it looks like we calling out for it. They are great and we'll appreciated though.
Please know I think with the couple little things I mentioned, I feel like this race and the crew are great. Love it!!!! And I only took it down 2 stars because of the start and awards. I own a salon and see a lot of people a week. This is a must run I tell everyone. Not everyone is there to win something. Lol.