Describe your race day.
Race organization 5 stars. Race pacers, 2 stars. My pacer (3:15) was right on time and running with a group of us at mile 19 and I was feeling good, then at around mile 21 he fell back at an aid station and I thought he'd catch up. Since he was behind me I felt pretty good about my pace and just kept it steady. However, at some point near mile 24 I realized that I had fallen off pace and probably couldn't make it up and there was no sign of our 3:15 pacer. Even at the finish I didn't see him. I was shooting for a 3:15 BQ, but I ended up coming in at 3:21. This is not to say that the pacer was responsible for my time, but it would be nice if there was a contingency plan for a pacer falling off. I was counting on him and it was a real disappointment to find that I fell off pace and could make up the time at the end.
Nonetheless, I had a great experience and I think the race was managed very well otherwise. The good news is that I did PR by at least 10 minutes. Thanks!